Fear, often dubbed the “other f*** word,” is a four-letter term that holds immense power over human potential and dreams. It lurks in the corners of our minds, influencing our decisions, shaping our realities, and limiting our possibilities. As a coach and writer, I am constantly reminded of its subtle yet pervasive presence. Recently, I found myself pondering the concept of releasing all fear. Could it truly be possible? Or is fear an inherent part of our human experience?

Understanding Fear and Its Impact on Limiting Beliefs

False Evidence Appearing Real—this was the first acronym for fear I encountered, perhaps during a seminar by Jim Rohn. It resonated deeply because, at that point in my life, I was unaware of how fear was influencing my decisions. I chose the safe path, avoided conflicts, and lived small, all to maintain approval and avoid discomfort. These are the tell-tale signs of a people pleaser and an approval seeker.

However, fear is not inherently bad. It is a primal instinct, one of the many reasons for our survival as a species. From the days of the saber-toothed tiger, fear has kept us safe, alerting us to real danger and prompting us to take action. Yet, in the modern world, fear often masquerades as limiting beliefs, convincing us to avoid risks and play small.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Starts with Awareness

To release fear and overcome limiting beliefs, awareness is the first step. Another acronym for fear I encountered later was Feeling Excited and Ready. This reframe immediately appealed to me because it transformed fear from a paralyzing force into a catalyst for growth. But then, another version surfaced—Forget Everything and Run—and I realized how fluid fear is. It can either propel us forward or hold us back.

The key lies in separating real fear from imagined threats. Our ancestors ran from rustling bushes, anticipating predators. Today, we experience the same fear when facing rejection, failure, or change. But unlike our ancestors, most of our fears are not life-threatening. They are stories we create, shadows from past experiences, or societal conditioning.

How Fear Creates Limiting Beliefs

Childhood is where the seeds of fear are planted. As children, we interpret experiences through limited understanding, and our minds create stories to protect us. These stories form shadow beliefs—subconscious narratives that influence our actions and decisions throughout life.

For example, a child who feels unsafe when their parents argue may develop a shadow belief that conflict is dangerous. As an adult, they may avoid confrontations at all costs, sacrificing their voice and autonomy to maintain peace. This is False Evidence Appearing Real at its most insidious. It convinces us that old fears are relevant in new situations, thereby limiting our growth.

Changing Your Relationship with Fear

The good news is that our relationship with fear is malleable. Just as we learn fear, we can unlearn it. Feeling Excited and Ready is a powerful reframe because it leverages the same physiological response as fear—elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, and heightened senses—but channels it towards anticipation and excitement.

The secret is in the choice. We can either let fear dictate our actions or use it as a springboard to explore new territories. To do this, we must first become aware of our triggers and then consciously choose our response. Is it real fear, or is it a story we’ve been telling ourselves for years?

If it’s real danger, like a natural disaster or a physical threat, the right response is to Forget Everything and Run. But if it’s a limiting belief—fear of judgment, failure, or the unknown—we have the power to Feel Excited and Ready.

Make a Choice to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

The journey to releasing fear and overcoming limiting beliefs begins with a choice. Ask yourself:

  • What is the worst thing that can happen here?
  • Is this fear real or imagined?
  • Do I feel excited or threatened?

By questioning the validity of your fears, you weaken their hold on you. Once you recognize a limiting belief, you can challenge it, replace it with empowering thoughts, and take action despite the fear.

Embrace Your Power Beyond Limiting Beliefs

Marianne Williamson beautifully captured this concept when she said:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Fear often disguises itself as inadequacy, self-doubt, or anxiety, but beneath it lies our true potential. When we release fear, we not only break free from limiting beliefs but also step into our authentic power.

Can We Release All Fear?

So, can we release all fear? Maybe not entirely. Fear is a natural, instinctual part of being human. However, we can change our relationship with it. We can learn to recognize when fear is protecting us from real danger and when it is simply holding us back.

By choosing to see fear as Feeling Excited and Ready, we can transform it from an obstacle into an opportunity. We can live boldly, pursue our dreams unapologetically, and create a life that is not defined by our fears but by our courage.

Ready to Overcome Limiting Beliefs?

If you’re ready to release fear and live authentically, Karyn Dunphy Coaching specializes in helping clients identify and overcome limiting beliefs. By working together, we can reframe fear, break free from self-imposed limitations, and create the ultimate authentic life.

Be clear, be brave!
Coach Karyn

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